Our legislative efforts
Communicating for America regularly surveys members and other citizens about critical public policy issues, and then communicates the findings to members of Congress, state legislators, local officials and other associations, as well as to the general public through the media. These are some of the issues Communicating for America has been addressing:
Rural Broadband Inequality
Work with Congress, the administration and the Federal Communications Commission on national infrastructure advancements for rural broadband enhancements and equality.
Health Care and Tax Policy
- CA is working to ensure that implementation of the Affordable Care Act enables CA members and all self-employed and small business employees access to affordable health insurance options both inside and outside the newly created state and federal insurance exchanges. CA will promote ideas that put affordable health insurance options within reach of self-employed individuals and small business owners and their employees.
- CA supports achieving a permanent 100 percent tax deduction for all individuals paying for their own health insurance and advocate simplifying tax laws relating to health insurance coverage and promoting fairness.
- CA supports plans that provide tax incentives to encourage job creation in under-served markets, both rural and urban.
- CA supports plans that reward risk and encourage innovation by increasing small business expensing limits, and expanding start-up loans and grants to micro businesses.
- CA advocates for closing business tax loopholes that do not encourage small business and self-employed job creation.
- CA supports equal tax treatment for all purchases of health insurance and wellness plans, whether made by an individual who is an employee, by a self-employed person, or by a small business on behalf of its employees.
- CA advocates for enforcing the disclosure of hospital and provider prices and quality information to empower health consumers to make more informed decisions concerning their health care.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
CA continues to work for comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens the health of the US economy as well as the vitality of rural communities and American agriculture. CA supports and advocates legislation that includes effective border enforcement, increased efficiencies in current guest worker programs, and a ‘firm but fair’ way to deal with those who are already here. CA is committed to working with members of Congress to identify and implement a bi-partisan solution to America’s broken immigration system.
Health Savings Accounts
Continue with efforts to improve consumer-driven health policies and health saving accounts, making them more affordable and accessible for individuals and small businesses.
Health Care Price Transparency
Enforce the disclosure of hospital and provider prices and quality information to empower health consumers to make more informed decisions concerning their health care.
Alternative Minimum Tax Reform
Change the rules of the Alternative Minimum Tax to free small businesses and individuals from this unintended tax increase affecting more people each year.
Agriculture apprentice programs and beginning farmer loan programs
Appropriate funds to support grants that could be used for agriculture apprentice programs and beginning farmer loan programs. Contact your elected officials